Understanding consumer behaviour, identifying a target market through market analysis and segmentation, managing your social channels and building brand awareness are just some of the challenges facing the marketing team of today.

Compare CRM for marketing

With ever-changing consumer needs, increasing customer expectations and emerging channels and opportunities; marketers need to be highly responsive. They need to continuously improve and optimise the customer journey, to constantly engage customers and prospects in the right way and at the right time - CRM software solutions will support this.

Customer relationship management enables marketing professionals to design and deliver customer-driven marketing campaigns.  By extending the functionality of CRM software, marketing teams can increase productivity and manage the prospect journey with best practice in mind, by using marketing automation techniques.


Navigate this site in order to learn more about marketing software and CRM, or prepare for your CRM implementation project and get advice on how to shortlist your CRM solution or CRM provider. Understand the scope of CRM, download useful CRM whitepapers, launch the CRM comparison tool, and find out about specific CRM solution functionality.